Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jailhouse Workout

Sometimes life just throws too much at you and getting in the gym is impossible. Just because you become super-busy does NOT mean you can afford to stop exercising. When quality gym time is out of the picture, you must resort to improvisations.


1. Regular push-ups (at least 25)
*30 second rest
2. Inclined push-ups...hands on table, feet on floor (at least 25)
*30 second rest
3. Declined push-ups...hands on floor, feet on table (at least 25)
*30 second rest ~NOT DONE YET!~
4. crunches (at least 50)
*30 second rest
5. Crunches again (at least 50)
*30 second rest
6. Diamond push-ups..put hands together like a diamond while in push-up position (at least 25)


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

BMI link

I feel it is very important for everyone to know their BMI. So I provided a link from a government website to help out. There is a calculater that automatically lets you know what your number is and a chart to look up your status.

I Strongly suggest everyone check this out because it gives you a very good idea of what you are suppose to weigh.

NOTE: Though these numbers are good for judging your health, if you are trying to hard-gain muscle then it will show you being overweight, even obese. Disregard if this applies to you because you know what your goals are and what you are doing AND muscle weighs more than fat!

Body Mass Index

Obesity has become a very big problem in the U.S.A. It is harmful to health and also has many negative effects on society.

Technology such as video/computer games mixed with high fatty foods i.e. fast food has called a very big (no pun intended) problem in our country.

Becoming obese is quite a simple formula.

Eat fatty, unhealthy foods + don't do anything physical + long period of time + OBESITY.

Because of the health concerns brought upon by obesity many companies are now starting to lower or charge their employees for insurance. This means if you are over-weight to the point it becomes unhealthy companies will not take full responsibility for paying the inevitable hospital bills that follow.

The way in which most companies decide how to charge for insurance is based on the Body Mass Index.

BMI equals a person's weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. (BMI=kg/m2).

After you Calculate your BMI you must then use another chart that assesses your overall fitness--i.e how healthy or unhealthy you are.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

working abs without...working abs

After you get done with an hour workout hitting major muscles you may find yourself lacking the motivation to workout your abs. Many people neglect abs and for good reason. Sometimes in the gym enough, is enough.

Well there is a simple fix to skipping ab workouts.

While completing your normal lifts whether it be standing or sitting a great way to get an abdominal workout in is to just make a conscious effort at tensing those muscles during your reps.

This means that you have to focus on constricting the muscles in your stomach as you workout other body parts. By doing this you can receive a great ab workout without having to spend extra time in gym!

Give it a try and you could be surprised at how well it works!

And remember, the stronger your abs are the more weight you can push!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Skinny man workout

Recently, I had a follower ask about a workout for a skinny guy. Well skinny guys, your workouts should be much like the mass building workout I layed out in an earlier entry.

Some people can workout religiously and still not see results. Metabolism and body make up have a lot to do with this.

All I can recommend is to:

1. eat, eat , EATTTT. The more you eat (of the right thing) the better your chances of gaining some muscle.

2. Don't give up. Just because you have been working out hard doesn't mean you're just going to see results super fast. It takes time and dedication, but as long as you are working out hard and at least three times a week, results will eventually come.

3. Supplements. There are many different supplements that can help you start putting on the pounds. The most important would be CREATINE. Start taking creatine and you will start seeing results faster.

4. Find a workout partner. By finding someone who lifts about the same amount of weight you can form a competition, and a friend. When you lift with someone you have a spotter, and you should use them because it is only then you can do extra sets you couldn't normally do and thus tear your muscles apart more efficiently.

5. Learn from people in the gym. Mimick workouts other people do that you may not be doing and you could be surprised at the pumps you could experience. You're in the gym anyway and by learning new workouts you can better manipulate the weights.-creating new results.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Taking a much needed break

There gets to be a point where you have pushed your body so hard, it needs a break. Working out with intensity and dedication can really take a tole on your body.

Your muscles need time to heal, and when you get to a point where you're not seeing any gains and you body feels like it is worn out...STOP take a full week off and let your body catch up and heal.

Muscles aren't the only thing that you exhuast while working out-tendons and ligaments take on a lot of strain as well and a week off will surely make them feel fresher.

This is NOT a free pass to eat anything you want. Maintaining a strict diet at this point is essential to your longterm, over-all goals.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ways to show off your body

Now that spring is coming up, and you've been working hard on obtaining that "beach body" that you so desire it's time to think of ways to show it off and help enhance your appearance.

The number one way to help with this is simple. TANNING!! When your body is tanned you can see the curves and muscle tones better. ALL body builders go through a big tanning process while leading up to competition. A tanned body helps show those ripped muscles...and most people find it attractive.

Another way is to wear clothes that are fitted. Fitted shirts and jeans help to let people see those muscles from under your clothes. these clothes don't have to be very tight. What you should look for when shopping are clothes that "lay" on your body. Shirts that provide a slimming effect will help people recognize your muscles more easily that big and baggy clothes. That don't push out or look baggy. By doing this people can see that hard work you've been putting in even with clothes on!

The final way, CONFIDENCE. When you walk into a room with confidence people will notice you more and be more likely to approach you. Confidence lets people know you're not ashamed of your body and take pride in it. Don't be cocky, no one likes that though.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pre-Workout Drinks

Anyone who lifts regularly or reads any of the numerous muscle magazines knows there are all kinds of pre-workout drinks.

There drinks provide you with massive amounts of energy before your lift. You may go in feeling unmotivated, tired and lazy but by the time you've chugged your drink you will be ready to push some weight.

These drinks also help to open (vasodilate) your veins. What this does is open up your body's blood traveling system. This means more blood with be pushed to your muscles while you are working them and in turn will help them look, and feel bigger. It also means they can recover faster and can bring more nourishment to your muscles.

A lot of these drinks have creatine and essential amino acids which aid in the building of muscle. Creatine helps your muscles retain water and makes them "full".

NO Xplode is a pre-workout mix that I would always recommend. It provides you with fierce energy and you never feel fatigue. It is very expensive though, and must be mixed every time.

Energy drinks you can buy at a store like Red bull and Monster provide ample energy and can be much cheaper, and already mixed! Note: GET THE SUGAR FREE DRINKS!!

You drink NO Xplode before you lift but when I get store bought energy drinks I sip on them throughout my workout and it works great for me. These drinks make pumps better and can help take you to new depths in the gym.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Extreme Spring Break Diet

For many, Spring Break 2009 is just around the corner! If you're like most, a beach body is always something you strive for and not having one can really effect your confidence and conscience. You don't want to be at the beach trying to find excuses to have your shirt on. Losing a lot of weight fast takes extreme dedication, pain, and sacrifice. It is possible to drop a lot of weight in as little as two weeks's how:

The # 1 thing to remember : NO CARBS--BREAD IS THE ENEMY!! For this to work, you have to cut out all types of bread, pasta, rice,potato, BEER, liquor, cakes, etc... anything loaded with carbs or even consisting of a moderate amount of carbs must be excluded from your diet.

Next, you're going to need to burn off all that extra baggage. It doesn't matter if you run, walk, jog, or bike. You have to do this everyday and for long periods of time. lengths of these workouts depends on the type you do. machines have calorie counters and a goal should be at least 600 calories for each workout. Cardio is the key.

Now you're probably asking yourself just what you can eat on this extreme plan. The answer? Chicken (grilled), and tuna will be your protein. You can sustain energy with carrots, broccoli and celery.

Before you lift eat a piece of fruit for energy and to quench hunger.

ONLY DRINK WATER. Water weight has a lot to do with a bloated stomach. With plenty of sweat one can easily shred pounds.

Note, this is an extreme diet and should only be done for a maximum of three weeks. This is in no way a diet to gain muscle, it will only help to lose weight and if followed strictly, will certainly work.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The importance of a post workout meal

Now that you're in the gym busting your butt to get in shape, that's only half the battle. You must feed those worn out muscles so they can grow. This is how building muscle works:

1. When you push your muscles to failure you are actually hurting them. Hard work tears the muscle fibers apart.
2. After you rip your muscles apart you must provide them with nourishment.
3. If you do not feed your muscles within 30 minutes of your workout then they go into what is called a "catabolic state".

This means that since you have done damage to your muscles that day, if they do not receive some kind of protein they will start eating away at the un-damaged tissue in order to recover the hurt fibers.

If you neglect to feed your muscles, you can actually do more harm than good. You must take extremely good care of your body while trying to gain muscle because if you do not it becomes sort of like taking two steps forward and one step back.

Most people assume protein is the only thing you need to worry about getting into your body after a workout. This is NOT true. Because they have been exhausted, they in fact need carbs to stop any chance of going into a catabolic state. One serving of Gatorade suffices.

After you flush your body with fast digesting carbs, protein is the next step. As a rule, your body cannot digest more than 50 grams of protein at one time so at least 35-45 grams of protein will provide your body with plenty. REMEMBER protein is the building block of muscle.

If you're working hard in the gym but not eating right you are cheating yourself and damaging your body without purpose.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The mass workout is a great example of a workout program designed to make you stronger and bigger. The 6 to 12 reps allow your muscles to be exhausted while still getting them into shape. You must push your muscles to failure in order to grow. no exceptions. Intensity in the weight room will help take your body--and self esteem to new levels. This image is of me at 190, thats the lowest I have weighed since high school.

Mass Workout

Week: 1

Barbell Curl-8, 6, 4, 4
Hammer Curl-8, 6, 4, 4
Preacher Curl-4X8
Skull Crusher-8, 6, 4, 4
Rope Ext.-4X8
Reverse Ext.-4X8


Tuesday-Chest, Abs-HEAVY
Smith Bench-8, 8, 6, 4
Incline Dumbbell-4X8
Decline Dumbbell-4X8
Cable Flies-4X8
Bent Cable Flies-4X8

Wednesday-Legs, Back, Traps-HEAVY
Smith Squat/Leg Press-8, 8, 6, 4
Dead Lift-4X5
Lat Pull Down-10, 8, 6, 4
Machine Rows-4X8
Low Rows-4X8
Dumbbell Shrugs-4X8
Smith Reverse Shrugs-4X8

Thursday-Shoulders, Calves, Obliques
Seated Dumbbell Press-4X8
Dumbbell Front Raise-4X8
Cable Side Raise-4X8
Rear Deltoid Machine-4X8
Reverse Peck Deck-4X8

Friday-Chest, Abs-HEAVY
Smith Bench-10, 8, 6, 4
Incline Dumbbell-4X8
Smith Decline-4X8
Peck Deck-4X8
Bent Cable Flies-4X8

Getting in shape

With summer coming up it's time to get in the gym and work on that beach body. This blog will help you do just that. The only way to get into shape is to set goals and follow thru with those goals. The weight room and cardio are very important but one thing I've found that is over looked is the importance of dieting. Without a proper diet you are only winning half the battle. I will be posting work out routines that will help you get cut and feel better.